
Monday, February 10, 2014

Roadtrippin' With My Three Favorite Allies

We got on the road yesterday and headed west.  I have never driven any further west than Dallas, TX, so I had so much fun!.  We woke up to a thick layer of fog over Shreveport, expecting it to lift at some point.  It never did!  As we headed west and then a little north and then a littler higher, the temperature just dropped steadily (from the 48 degrees in S'port).  It was great and I learned about a new-to-me weather phenomenon--freezing fog!  As we drove, everything become more and more beautiful because it was covered in lovely, silvery ice.  The trees and tall grasses, the fences, the furrowed dirt.  It was amazing and the boys could not stop taking pictures!

All in all, it was a wonderful drive across Texas and we all had fun and kept good attitudes, even though it took about nine hours.

We stopped in Amarillo for the night and stayed with the parents of a very sweet friend. We had such a fun night and they have played with and indulged our boys with stops to play in mounds of snow!  The boys are enthralled with the little piles of snow in the parking lots here, so I cannot wait to see their little faces when we actually catch our first glimpse of "real" snow!  

We are headed out this morning for the second leg of our journey and will arrive at Missionary Training International this afternoon.  We are all more than a little excited!  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bethany, I am Neo. you are my goddess. hope you keep writing your future life and life in Guatemala.
